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Scamp & Tinker ready to go in for dinner
Our aim is to provide a Home from Home atmosphere where cleanliness, comfort and security are our priorities.
The inside kennels are heated in their entirety with thermostatically, time controlled electric wall panel heaters. Each kennel is carpeted and renewed for every new occupant, keeping our kennels warm, cosy and comfortable - just what our pets are used to at home.
Outside we have individual covered runs and three large play gardens for off-the-lead exercise and play. Every guest enjoys lots of personal contact during their stay with us, and this ensures a happy dog going home!
Claude in the play garden & Skye in a covered outside run
Our daily routine:
7.30am - 9am Individual access to the play gardens for morning ablutions and then Breakfast is served.
10am - 12 noon While we clean each room, every pet has free access to a play garden and then into a covered run to watch while somebody else has a play.
During the day and depending on the weather every pet has lots of time in the play gardens or outside runs.
Mac & Skye having fun in the play garden with the ball
Older pets may wish to spend more time indoors while the younger, more boisterous pets will have a playtime in the garden chasing a ball, or grooming for the hairy ones!
4pm – 6pm Dinner Time
10pm - 11pm Outside again for toilet needs and a little exercise before bed time.
Followed by a cuddle, a treat and lights out!